Charge Guys helps promote and accelerate EV adoption through charging infrastructure. By working with the best EV charging manufacturers in the industry and employing the most experienced and meticulous installers, They have been able to deliver charging solutions to home and business owners across Ontario.

The client wanted to showcase their offerings and expertise as a one-time campaign on their social channels. The goal was to create a series of informative and creative posts to showcase their services and tell their story. We suggested an 18 post puzzle grid that would highlight their business and help them stand out against their competitors on social media.

The puzzle grid was completed with a series of timeless and evergreen information. The grid allows potential customers who search about this specific topic (ex; EV charging) to find relevant information on their profile.

The puzzle grid will also set the tone and the foundation for when the client is ready to begin publishing content regularly on their social media channels to increase their reach and engage with their community.



Instagram Puzzle Grid


Carousel Posts

Puzzle Grid Process Video


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